France 24 » Spain 15 » Brazil 7 » Spain
Hi, my name is Yann!
aka yinnyann //.
French video game & mobile app localizer/.
Video subtitler & SEO translator/.
Desktop publisher & graphic designer//.
» So, I’m FR and I do CAT, LQA, SEO, DTP, XL8… and many other fancy acronyms.
And above all things, I know how challenging it is to find accurate words and pictures for your projects.Born in France, I’ve lived abroad for many years:
- 24 years in Lille & Rennes, France
- 15 years in Valencia, Spain
- 7 years in São Paulo & Ubatuba, Brazil
Soon,As soon as possible,One dayAnd since June 2023, I’m back in Spain.
I translate, localize and caption from English, Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese into French/.
And sometimes from French and Brazilian Portuguese into Spanish//.
≈ That’s it, into my mother tongue / EN‑PTBR‑ES → FR / & into my second language / FR–PTBR → ES /.
≈ Or what amounts to the same thing: / EN‑PTBR → FR / plus / FR ↔ ES //.
∴ But let’s go on with some other things I can do for you →
I’m a detail-oriented desktop publisher, soulful SEO copywriter and skilled photo editor ^_^
For more than 20 years, I have been working in many areas of expertise, such as:- Prepress Production
(Digitalizing, Copy-editing, Color proofing, Proofreading, Imposition, Computer To Plate, etc.) - Video-games
(Translation, Proofreading, LQA Language Quality Assurance, Customer Support) - Customer Support
(Search Engine Optimization)- Graphic Design
- Social Media
- Desktop Publishing
- Copywriting
- Language Services
- Tourism
- Museums
- Transcreation
- Culture
And last but not least, I would also define myself as:
- Amateur Photographer
- Avid Bookworm
- Eager Capoeira Angola Student
- Keen Typographer
- Image & Music Lover
- In short, a Culture Enthusiast 😎
→ During the last 6 years, I have been working on a daily basis with SEO, Copywriting and Game Translation, but also with Language Quality Assurance and Customer Support in multicultural teams for industry-leading companies.
Eventually, I am just a curious cat, looking for new challenges.For further information or invoice: